At 11:41AM on 2/19/2021, our station temperature rose above 32°F for the first time in over 141 hours – from 2/13/2021 to 2/19/2021. We spent 95 hours below 32°F – from 2/9/2021 to 2/13/2021, with only a few minutes above freezing between the two spans.
We also recorded a low temperature of -2.6°F on 2/16/2021, low wind chill of -14.6°F on 2/15/2021, and 6.5 inches of snowfall – from 2/14/2021 to 2/17/2021.
While going through a box of old photos from the 80’s, I rediscovered these and decided to scan and post them.
They were taken on July 17, 1987 of the Guadalupe River in Comfort, TX during flash flooding that tragically took the lives of 10 teens.
We use a manual rain gauge to backup and calibrate our station rain measurements. Here is Jessica performing her daily “chore” the morning of February 21, 2018. That is a lot of rain for a 24-hour period in February!
On 3/2/2014, the daily high temperature of 69.9° was recorded at 12:00am and the daily low temperature of 17.3° was recorded at 8:12pm. This 52.6° daily temperature range was the highest recorded by to date.