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Archive for March, 2018

New Page – NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio

Monday, March 12th, 2018 3:32pm CDT

PlanoWeather.com is now streaming NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio Station KEC56 162.400MHz to NOAAWeatherRadio.org. Streams can be accessed from the following page: https://www.planoweather.com/wxradio.php.

From NOAAWeatherRadio.org/about/: “WHY? NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio Saves Lives! Every citizen should own, or be near an active, alarm-ready Weather Radio. We know that’s not always possible, and this one example is sufficient: Millions of folks work in situations where Weather Radios aren’t available, but computers and mobile devices are handy. So. Here. We. Are.”

Our setup is using a Midland WR300 Weather Radio, connected to our weather station computer audio interface, encoded as MP3 audio using butt (Broadcast Using This Tool) at 32k bit rate and 22,050Hz sample rate, then streamed to the NOAAWeatherRadio.org Icecast server, where it is continually checked for quality and availability.

We strongly recommend that all homes have a NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio. In addition to the Midland WR300 used for this project, we own and recommend the Midland WR400 Deluxe NOAA Weather Radio.